The tragedy of lost Egypt

I’ve been watching the news from Egypt with a mixture of hope and apprehension, but mostly apprehension. Mubarak finally has stepped down, and he has handed the government over to the army. It is a sad commentary, indeed, that the military is the only […]

The seduction of a nation

Yesterday I watched video of Bill Clinton stumping for Maurice Hinchey, one of the most odious characters in a Congress that has quite a few. Clinton was heckled, and he took control of the situation by bragging on his four balanced budgets as president. […]

Where church and society are heading

Over at the Washington Examiner, Mark Tapscott has written a very insightful article looking forward. It's pretty rare to have someone take a peak into the future and come up with a believable scenario, especially one that runs counter to prevailing wisdom, but that's what Mark has done. And what he envisions for our society has repercussions for the church as well.

America used to be a beacon

Jesus said that "unless a grain of wheat fall to the earth and die, it cannot bear much fruit." The world will never forget Neda, and the Iranian people will never rest until they are free of political and religious tyranny. Through her sacrifice, Neda has already begun to bear incalculable good fruit.