One great leap for socialism

A sad day for the nation, as it takes a major step towards socialism. The healthcare bill will do nothing good for medical costs, quality of coverage, the national debt or the economy. It will instead ration care, bankrupt the nation, and prove to […]

Where There Is No Doctor

Where There Is No Doctor, a classic self-help book that missionaries have long used in the field, has, through the generosity of its principals, been made available for free download. This move seems to have been spurred by the uprising in Iran, but this […]

Whom not to trust

One cannot create goods and services out of nothing. Yes, there are efficiencies that can be realized over our present system, but this bill isn't about those efficiencies, it's about forcing the medical system to make bricks without supplying it the necessary straw. Either fewer bricks will be made (rationing), or the medical industry will be put to forced labor. Taking money and initiative out of the system will of necessity stifle creativity, bring research to a screaming halt and lower the standard of treatment.