Seeking peace

The Guardian has an interesting article on the downside to social networking. But it doesn’t focus on the more blatant dangers we hear about, such as stalkers, immorality or the loss of privacy. It’s focus is on the subtle but profound effect of life […]

God’s motivation was love (video added)

As humans, we tend to project our earthly experiences onto God, especially family of origin issues, and because of that, I've often had a hard time trying to relate to God's love. I saw that love written in the Bible, I heard it preached, and I've certainly even had wonderful times of communion in prayer and worship, but generally I’ve not understood or even had a functional belief in God's love for me.

Challenges and victories: Growing in grace and knowledge

It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd try to catch up. This has been the most amazing growth season for me since I was first Saved back in 1980. In a nutshell, what’s going on is brokenness turning over the fallow ground, necessity sowing seeds of change, and my tears supplying the rain. With the passage of time, “someone warming them from below”, and my reintroduction to the Gospel of Grace, which I once knew but had somehow lost sight of, those seeds have been bearing a rich crop.

Witnessing to the culture

Sanctified political action is a good and even necessary thing which should be pursued. But if we don’t change the hearts of the people we are going to lose the culture, and then the nation itself, and no law or politics will be able to stem that tide. The church can function without government support. It's terribly undesirable, inconvenient and painful, as we abundantly see in persecuted nations, but it can be done. But the church cannot function with the personal testimonies of the saints.

The still waters of grace

My personal Grace Awakening continues apace, but the past two days have been characterized by rest. Rest is new to me, and not natural to my old nature. I’m a confirmed Type A, driven, entrepreneurial sort, so don’t blame it on me – I […]