I just learned with sadness of the passing of Dr. Bernard Nathanson. Nathanson’s life was a bit reminiscent of that of Paul of Tarsus. In the early 1970s, he pioneered the ushering in of unlimited abortion in the United States. As this compelling and […]
Category: current events
Said Musa has been released
International Christian Concern is reporting that Said Musa, the Afghani convicted of apostasy and under threat of immanent execution, has been released into US custody and is out of Afghanistan. (See his moving letters a few posts down.) Here’s an excerpt from the Christian […]
Politics and godliness
Since the mid-1980s I’ve counted myself as a conservative. I spent time on the abortion barricades and in the public square, advocating for morality and for America’s return to her Constitutional roots, as the only basis on which we can survive in any recognizable […]
Day of prayer for the release of Asia Bibi
Sunday, 1/30/2011, is an international day of prayer for the release of a Pakistani woman sentenced to death for blaspheming Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. Dominant Muslim nations such as Pakistan (“Land of the Pure”) have instituted blasphemy laws which punish, often with death, any insult, […]
Genocide on slow-burn
I first fell in love with the Karen people of Burma decades ago, when I read Don Richardson’s amazing Eternity in Their Hearts. The Karen are a precious people that had never seen the white man, yet they began having dreams and visions that […]
Christianity’s radical growth
There's an excellent article today by Ryan Mauro on the comparative growth rates of Christianity and Islam, and also on the quality of the faith of those who believe. If you live in the West you're probably under the impression that Islam is growing by leaps and bounds. It is - in the West, because of immigration and high birth rates, but that is not the case in the rest of the world.
The Cost of Freedom
From HotAir comes this most eloquent and sobering testimony to the cost of freedom. The picture below says it all, but Ed’s write up tells of the quality of the life that was sacrificed. It was indeed high. “Let no man rent asunder” we are told, […]
Witnessing to the culture
Sanctified political action is a good and even necessary thing which should be pursued. But if we don’t change the hearts of the people we are going to lose the culture, and then the nation itself, and no law or politics will be able to stem that tide. The church can function without government support. It's terribly undesirable, inconvenient and painful, as we abundantly see in persecuted nations, but it can be done. But the church cannot function with the personal testimonies of the saints.
Where There Is No Doctor
Where There Is No Doctor, a classic self-help book that missionaries have long used in the field, has, through the generosity of its principals, been made available for free download. This move seems to have been spurred by the uprising in Iran, but this […]
Keeping conscience in the outer court
I love the dualism of the phrase, "having the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience". It graphically shows that being Christlike allows us to be both spirit-led and rational. With feet firmly planted on the ground, our spirits still can reside in the very throne room of heaven. The mature Christian is a mighty warrior for God, indeed!
Notes on the war
Just a quick note on three outstanding pieces, two re the war on terror and one on the state of conservatism. First, Krauthammer, again, this time holding forth on the administration’s very poor conduct of the war on terror. War, what war? Whatever one […]
Still think you won’t be paying for abortions?
From Newsrealblog comes this damning video of the Sec. of HHS Sebelius describing an accounting sleight of hand that will indeed cause every taxpayer to pay for abortion. It’s bad enough for a nation to tolerate abortion. Elective abortion blatantly crosses the line of […]
Iran on the verge -updated w/Krauthammer
The nation of Iran nears a boiling point. Street clashes are intensifying and turning increasingly violent. There has been a incendiary statement, purportedly from military leaders who are ready to turn on the evil Islamic regime. Whether legitimate or not, the statement will have […]