From Florida comes an outrageous story of a young man who was fired from Home Depot for wearing a “One Nation Under God” button on his orange apron. He had worn the button for a year, got no complaints, even had one supervisor admire […]
Category: Culture and Society
America’s descent into Marxism
It’s amazing when more truth can be found in the editorial pages of Pravda than in those of the New York Times, but that’s exactly the state in which we find ourselves. The Pravda edit speaks of the systematic take-down of the American system […]
Should Joe Wilson have apologized?
You’re probably aware that during Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress last week, Representative Joe Wilson called out at one point, “You lie!” Obama had been claiming that the proposed healthcare reform bill did not cover illegal aliens, did not pay for […]
Religion, Politics, Healthcare and Obama
In which I finally get to tick off a lot of people A revival list that I’m on sent out two emails last week, to the effect that we shouldn’t divert our attention from preaching the Gospel to waging the present culture war that […]
Bob the homeless guy
About a year ago I started seeing a homeless guy holding a “work wanted” sign at the exit of a nearby interstate. It’s on the way to where I food shop, so I’d see him a couple of times a week. Since I try […]
Exaggerated Muslim honor
This vid comes courtesy of the Atlas Shrugs blog. The video is dramatic, but if there are any questions about the girl being perhaps overemotional, there is no question about the statistical reality of the danger she is in. Ex-Muslims are being killed for […]
review: Dating Jesus, by Susan Campbell
Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism, Feminism, and the American Girl Dating Jesus is very well written. Ms. Campbell is a bit younger than I, from a different part of the country, and of a different gender, but she is a great storyteller and […]
Back in college days, in a previous life, we would “pull” many an “all-nighter”. Sometimes it was for a party or a “rap session” (remember those?), but more often we were cramming for exams. That was an awful long time ago, and I can’t […]
Forgiveness vs reconciliation
I came across this this morning. You may be aware that South Carolina’s governor had been playing the bad boy and was found out. His wife just came out with a public statement, and despite the pain and anger she must be going through, […]
Setting the Captives Free
I’ve been participating in the “twittering” going on about the protests in Iran. I’ve watched the video of the innocent and defenseless girl in the street, intentionally shot by religious thugs and dying as her friends hopelessly tried to save her. A beautiful young […]
Persecution Rages in China, Elsewhere
Nothing gained by compromise Today comes a horror story out of China, in which people infiltrated a registered Chinese church in order to disrupt its Body life and to ultimately destroy the church. Finally one Christian was brutally beaten and then, with the cooperation […]
The Church needs an “MRI”!
One of my greatest passions is the church. Anyone who has been saved by Jesus should care deeply about the house of God, which is God’s family and the Bride of the Lamb, right? So how are we doing? From my American charismatic perspective, […]
Political Correctness
I think I just committed an act of racial profiling – and what’s more, it was a good thing. An Hispanic mother and her two young daughters came to the door, looking to pick up “Devon” to take him to school. “He doesn’t live […]
Why Shooting Abortionists Is A Bad Idea
Most readers don’t need an article on why murdering an abortionist is a bad idea. But there are some of us who actually must go through the mental exercise in order to be at peace with the subject. After all, the matter is serious. […]