And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the […]
Category: Culture and Society
The religious American (updated 12/11)
Pew has an interesting new survey out today on religious beliefs and practices. Like it or not, post-modernism is here. Structures are meaning less and less, and function more and more. Americans are more likely to attend church outside their denominations than before. One-fifth […]
Batteries and misplaced religion
Make no mistake, we are watching the spectacular implosion of our society. Because the pace of life is accelerated, we are inured to change. Distracted by the latest celebrity newsmaker, we no longer take notice, but our institutions are crashing down around us just as surely and obscenely as the Twin Towers toppled, each collapsing floor adding to the energy and inevitability of the destruction.
Lt. Col. Allen West
Startling evidence of how far we have fallen
If you want to get a taste for how far we’ve fallen, for how deeply our culture has embraced a suicidal level of political correctness that prevents us from defending ourselves from evil, give a read. The Army has learned nothing at all […]
Islam’s true nature: making sense of the Koran
Give this article a quick read: It very neatly puts the nature Islam in perspective. Understanding Islam is very simple when you put the Koran in chronological order. The Koran, which was written by one man, and which blatantly contradicts itself, theologically mirrors […]
Questions regarding the Ft. Hood massacre
Questions have arisen concerning whether the Obama administration's worldview and self-interest are impeding the pursuit of truth concerning the Ft. Hood massacre.
The enemy within
Institutionalized political correctness is eating away at the spiritual fabric of our nation, and is crippling our ability to defend ourselves from our enemies.
Berlin Wall +20
In honor of the 20th anniversary of the demise of the Berlin Wall, infamous symbol of repression, here is the clip of President Reagan challenging Gorbachev to tear it down. This was a real president, who understood America’s soul and purpose. Reagan was excoriated […]
For this reason you could not defeat your enemies
The House of Representatives debate on the healthcare bill made for some great theater last night. There were high points (see Mike Pence’s moving speech) and low points, and in general it was fascinating to watch this great engine of state in operation. We […]
Another Muslim atrocity
Yet another Muslim atrocity has been committed, this time within our own military. There is so much to say here that I don’t know where to start. Let’s start with the obvious. As he broke into calm, focused, calculated violence, the perpetrator at Fort […]
Abortion in the healthcare bill, documented
The ACLJ has come up with the abortion provisions in the House healthcare bill, H3962. You will find it here. Joe Wilson was right about Obama’s bald-faced lie to the joint session of Congress and to the American people. Recall that Obama had wrapped […]
A solemn, dire warning, from Naval Commander Jerry Wilson
Before I print Jerry Wilson’s letter I need to affirm some foundational points. This is first and always a Christian blog, yet I feel the need to delve into cultural and societal issues because they affect us so deeply. I also believe that we […]
Amazing rendition of the National Anthem
I got this from Tracey Porecca’s excellent Finding Myself in Alaska blog. [youtube=] Share to your social media: Add to: Facebook | Digg | | Stumbleupon | Reddit | Blinklist | Twitter | Technorati | Furl | Newsvine