From Newsrealblog comes this damning video of the Sec. of HHS Sebelius describing an accounting sleight of hand that will indeed cause every taxpayer to pay for abortion. It’s bad enough for a nation to tolerate abortion. Elective abortion blatantly crosses the line of […]
Category: Culture and Society
Iran on the verge -updated w/Krauthammer
The nation of Iran nears a boiling point. Street clashes are intensifying and turning increasingly violent. There has been a incendiary statement, purportedly from military leaders who are ready to turn on the evil Islamic regime. Whether legitimate or not, the statement will have […]
This day we fight!
Yesterday I cited the admonition of Jesus, “To whom much is given, much will be required”. But God judges nations as well as people. And as He does with people, God judges nations subjectively, based on what each one could do, on what each […]
America used to be a beacon
Jesus said that "unless a grain of wheat fall to the earth and die, it cannot bear much fruit." The world will never forget Neda, and the Iranian people will never rest until they are free of political and religious tyranny. Through her sacrifice, Neda has already begun to bear incalculable good fruit.
Terrorism, heroes and cowards
But while the American people constantly prove themselves heroes, there are cowards among our ruling elite. These leaders are either more concerned with career than with protecting the nation, or are afraid of the cost of telling the truth, or are too dumb to know the truth.
Many centuries ago, Christians got tired of the dominant culture celebrating pagan feasts which seduced their weaker members and corrupted their young. So the Roman Winter Solstice feast, an extended drunken and immoral extravaganza (sort of like the prototypical office Christmas party, only a […]
Whom not to trust
One cannot create goods and services out of nothing. Yes, there are efficiencies that can be realized over our present system, but this bill isn't about those efficiencies, it's about forcing the medical system to make bricks without supplying it the necessary straw. Either fewer bricks will be made (rationing), or the medical industry will be put to forced labor. Taking money and initiative out of the system will of necessity stifle creativity, bring research to a screaming halt and lower the standard of treatment.
Senator Nelson’s price -updated
From the Bread and Circuses Dept. Gateway pundit has also gathered a list of some other parochial sweeteners to this deal, at the expense of the commonwealth. So many politicians, so few statesmen:
Questions for Every Muslim
I’m posting this because I’m under increased conviction that we need to confront this present darkness. The West has gone silently to the stew pot, when we should have proclaimed the truth. A conspiracy of political correctness has hamstrung us, and we’ve got to […]
Questions for Every Muslim
I’m posting this because I’m under increased conviction that we need to confront this present darkness. The West has gone silently to the stew pot, when we should have proclaimed the truth. A conspiracy of political correctness has hamstrung us, and we’ve got to […]
Read this book!
I wish everyone in the West would read Brigitte Gabriel’s Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. It is not a pleasant read; at points I was nauseated at the clear depiction of evil. But it is a compelling and necessary […]
Read this book!
I wish everyone in the West would read Brigitte Gabriel’s Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. It is not a pleasant read; at points I was nauseated at the clear depiction of evil. But it is a compelling and necessary […]
Two for the earth (and your pocketbook)
(12/16: added Monckton-Gore file.) Pardon another enviro piece, but I’d rather see our hard-earned money go to families, churches, and the Gospel than to chasing CO2 dreams. Again via First, a great interview by Lord Monckton, a gentleman with a lot of class. […]
Two for the earth (and your pocketbook)
(12/16: added Monckton-Gore file.) Pardon another enviro piece, but I’d rather see our hard-earned money go to families, churches, and the Gospel than to chasing CO2 dreams. Again via First, a great interview by Lord Monckton, a gentleman with a lot of class. […]