Seeking peace

The Guardian has an interesting article on the downside to social networking. But it doesn’t focus on the more blatant dangers we hear about, such as stalkers, immorality or the loss of privacy. It’s focus is on the subtle but profound effect of life […]

An answer to invasive searches

The problem of identifying terrorists has become much more subtle than we once thought it to be, and our methodology of dealing with the problem is pathetically inadequate. There is not a machine or a manual inspection technique possible that will detect the explosive delivery methods that are already extant or that are coming soon. Yet the authorities continue to place all their trust in such inspection mechanisms.

Taking back America

This has already gone viral, and for good reason. Christie has done an amazing job facing down deeply entrenched special interests that are destroying our nation from within. I am glad that some people have the specific calling to the governmental realm, and are […]

The seduction of a nation

Yesterday I watched video of Bill Clinton stumping for Maurice Hinchey, one of the most odious characters in a Congress that has quite a few. Clinton was heckled, and he took control of the situation by bragging on his four balanced budgets as president. […]

No American

Folks, elections matter. This November's is only a midterm, but it is critically important. Because we have been given responsibility, we will be held accountable for how we vote. So much is at stake. Use discernment. Pray it through. Don't vote for the ones who make big promises. Their promises are empty. Vote for the ones who will work to get the nation back to its historical moral and spiritual foundations. That's the only true road to unity and healing.

The fleecing of a nation

Some think that God has no place in politics. But the Bible tells us that we are not to be overcome by evil. Cynicism must not rule us. We are to watch and pray and to occupy until the Master returns. We are to be faithful in “unrighteous riches”. We are to expose evil, rejoice in truth, and overcome evil with good.

Christianity’s radical growth

There's an excellent article today by Ryan Mauro on the comparative growth rates of Christianity and Islam, and also on the quality of the faith of those who believe. If you live in the West you're probably under the impression that Islam is growing by leaps and bounds. It is - in the West, because of immigration and high birth rates, but that is not the case in the rest of the world.

4th of July Message, by Rick Joyner

This came in via the ElijahList today, and it gives some good food for thought. I've never seen the levels of anger and coarseness we now have in America. I can understand some of it, because we are rapidly abandoning our foundation and, unsurprisingly but yet distressingly, falling apart. But Joyner brings us back to what James 3 tells us is the true wisdom of God: "Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom."