In the latest depredation by the Obama administration, Health and Human Services is proposing radical new regulations that would require private insurers – even those covering religious institutions such as churches, schools and hospitals – to fund contraceptive services with no charge or co-pay […]
Category: Culture and Society
David Wilkerson, RIP
Dave influenced a lot of people, including me. When he came out with The Cross and the Switchblade, it was the first time that I heard of the Cross’s power to change lives here and now, and not merely provide for the hereafter, as I had been taught. When I later reached the crisis in my life that would deliver me on God’s doorstep, that message became essential to my survival.
Regain your health
Eight years ago I undertook a quest to restore my health. I saw pictures of myself at my sister’s funeral, and they did not reflect anyone I wanted myself to be. Over the years I had steadily put on weight and lost energy. It […]
Bernard Nathanson, rest in peace
I just learned with sadness of the passing of Dr. Bernard Nathanson. Nathanson’s life was a bit reminiscent of that of Paul of Tarsus. In the early 1970s, he pioneered the ushering in of unlimited abortion in the United States. As this compelling and […]
The curious case of Anne Rice
Having been in many ways a cultural dropout for years, I had no idea until just a few years ago who Anne Rice was. Then I came across her testimony, describing how a leading vampire genre author had turned to Christ. I picked up […]
A revolution of moral sanity
There is a moral revolution going on in this nation, and entrenched interests are doing their best to suppress it. Nancy Pelosi called the gathering TEA (“taxed enough already”) movement “astroturf”, meaning it was fake grassroots financed by dark conservative sources. But if you […]
Watching and praying
As we watch world events, we need to dwell in the peace of Christ.
Can we inaugurate him tomorrow?
I’m watching the keynote speech to the annual conservative CPAC event, given this year by Rep. Allan West of Florida. And man, he is hitting the right buttons. The Left came against West in spades last fall, because they fear him. West is that […]
Politics and godliness
Since the mid-1980s I’ve counted myself as a conservative. I spent time on the abortion barricades and in the public square, advocating for morality and for America’s return to her Constitutional roots, as the only basis on which we can survive in any recognizable […]
Day of prayer for the release of Asia Bibi
Sunday, 1/30/2011, is an international day of prayer for the release of a Pakistani woman sentenced to death for blaspheming Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. Dominant Muslim nations such as Pakistan (“Land of the Pure”) have instituted blasphemy laws which punish, often with death, any insult, […]
VA. School District Reposts Ten Commandments
Be still my heart. A public school district has decided to post the Ten Commandments back up on the walls of all its schools: A southwest Virginia school district has reposted copies of the Bible’s Ten Commandments in all county schools, despite concerns that […]
The church and today’s youth
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I’m going to tie together a few recent headlines here, to try to get a sense of where we are headed as a church and as a nation. On the bad side, […]
Can man be good without God?
I don’t really follow these things, but I was reading about how a comedian, Ricky Gervais, mocked God during the Golden Globes awards. Gervais was subsequently interviewed by Piers Morgan, and this is what he said in part: [Christians] don’t have a monopoly on […]
Obama celebrates abortion
On the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, president Obama issued an affirmational statement: Today marks the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that protects women’s health and reproductive freedom, and affirms a fundamental principle: that government should not intrude […]