The last four years have been incredibly painful, but they have not been wasted. Not only did so much of middle America have to see clearly the level of evil of the enemy, but other things had to fall in place in order for […]
Category: Culture and Society
Our nation needs a fundamental change of priorities
He deported those who escaped from the sword to Babylon, and they became servants to him and his sons until the rise of the Persian kingdom. This fulfilled the word of the LORD through Jeremiah, and the land enjoyed its Sabbath rest all the […]
FK: environmentalism has lost its way; the two parties have switched positions
RFK wants to clean up our food supply. Here he talks about how the environmental movement has gone astray, no longer caring about toxins, only about carbon. And thus, it has rejected him. He says the two parties have switched sides on the issue. […]
Trump’s Transition team
Trump is very smart to add RFK and Tulsi Gabbard to his transition team. He is signaling that he is serious about moving beyond the old cronyism, even that of his own party. And cronyism is what eventually did in his first term. His […]
An election-day appeal to those, especially Christians, thinking of not voting.
Charles Spurgeon once said “Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil. So choose not to vote.” A lot of people have been disappointed, or even disgusted by the presidential race, and have tuned out entirely and plan not to vote. But […]
Jon Voight’s inspirational election message
IMO, this is Jon Voight’s greatest moment. A study in courage and truth. May God bless.
“Legitimate rape” – video added
Last week GOP senatorial candidate for Missouri Todd Akin found himself at the center of a media firestorm due to a very inappropriate choice of words he made. He had been questioned about his prolife position on abortion policy, with particular emphasis placed on […]
If I wanted America to fail…
I continue to pray that America will not be fooled again. God have mercy.
180: a powerful film you must see
This is a half-hour film that I wish everyone would watch and consider. Give it a chance. It could be a life-changer for you or someone you know. Warning: it does contain some graphic images. [youtube]
Voodoo morality: Obama offers a meaningless compromise
President Obama has come out with his glorious “compromise” regarding his health care regulation that would force religious institutions to pay for contraceptive and abortifacient coverage for their employees. And what solution has The Smartest Person In The World come up with? That the […]
A most illiberal decree
The latest depredation of the Obama administration involves a health care regulation that will force all medical insurance plans to provide full coverage for drugs and procedures which can take the life of an already-conceived human being. This is exactly what we warned the […]
The ugliness begins
One very ugly story today in the Guardian. It’s ugly in two ways: first, for the story that is told, and second, for the way that story is told. The story is that minorities are alleging a massive attempt to deprive them of the […]
The state of our presidential politics
I tuned in for no more than one minute of the Republican presidential debate this Tuesday, before turning it off in disgust. The bickering and infighting had reached the level of a circular firing squad. Enough. I’m going to make some rather plain statements […]
The Gospel according to Thor
As a kid I was a comic book junkie. I started out with Superman and Batman, and couldn’t get enough. When my mother held me to three comics per week, that’s what I brought home each Sunday – plus a couple more hidden under […]