I was in prayer yesterday afternoon. It seemed like my position was eroding rapidly. I felt like Peter sinking beneath the waves. HELP! was the gist of my prayer, and desperation was the attitude behind it. But very quickly a funny thing happened – […]
Category: Bible
Motivational Purity
What if the glory was only in the next life? What if we were to serve God here and never reap any reward until then? Would we still cling to Him? Would we still believe in His goodness and power? The Bible is full […]
The Master Strategist
I’ve been veeery slowly reading Paul Billheimer’s Destined For The Throne. I can’t buy into everything he says quite yet, but he is bringing out some compelling points that have augmented my own thinking on some foundational issues. I’ve understood for a long time […]
Why Shooting Abortionists Is A Bad Idea
Most readers don’t need an article on why murdering an abortionist is a bad idea. But there are some of us who actually must go through the mental exercise in order to be at peace with the subject. After all, the matter is serious. […]
Hebrews 6: Restoration for fallen Christians
This is a study on Hebrews 6, for Christians who feel condemned because of something they have done even after accepting Christ. So often the guilt and remorse of such a one is unbearable. Know that if your sin weighs heavily on you because […]