In part 1 I laid out my need to explicate the Gospel in its basics. Most already know the basics, but sometimes a fresh perspective helps shed new light in the heart. That’s my hope. And especially I would like to help people who […]
Category: Bible
The Gospel, reloaded. pt. 1
On my walk today I was thinking that I really needed to lay out the basics of the Gospel very simply. Most of my writing here is fairly intense, and is driven by the supposition that my readers know the Lord and have an […]
Finding significance in God
I’ve been processing some pain lately, and I’ve felt the need to trace it to its root. When we have recurring spontaneous pain, it’s like the warning light on a car’s dashboard. It’s a sure sign that there’s something going on under the hood […]
Religion, Politics, Healthcare and Obama
In which I finally get to tick off a lot of people A revival list that I’m on sent out two emails last week, to the effect that we shouldn’t divert our attention from preaching the Gospel to waging the present culture war that […]
God’s hidden Kingdom
Two coexisting rival kingdoms The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. – Mat 13:44 Jesus came and […]
No mere angel
I have a friend who’s been talking with some Jehovah’s Witnesses for a while. As it inevitably had to be, the conversation eventually found its way to the divinity of Christ. When she had first become a Christian a few decades ago, my friend […]
review: Dating Jesus, by Susan Campbell
Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism, Feminism, and the American Girl Dating Jesus is very well written. Ms. Campbell is a bit younger than I, from a different part of the country, and of a different gender, but she is a great storyteller and […]
Faith and character
Then he had another dream, and told it to his brothers. “Look,” he said. “I had another dream. The sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” –gen 37.9 For a long time I judged Joseph as a brash, even arrogant, […]
An Act of Worship
Mary, by Sholem Asch I’m posting here my Amazon review of Sholem Asch’s book, Mary. If I can introduce anyone to the outstanding Christian works of Asch, I will have done a good thing. -p. When I was done reading this book, my soul […]
Forgiveness vs reconciliation
I came across this this morning. You may be aware that South Carolina’s governor had been playing the bad boy and was found out. His wife just came out with a public statement, and despite the pain and anger she must be going through, […]
Catching the updraft of grace
Have you ever fallen off the wagon with a particular besetting sin or weakness – for the hundredth time? Done something really stupid that you knew not to do? Felt like you were making no progress and there couldn’t possibly be any hope left […]
Abide Until The Power Falls
In John chapter 15, Jesus tells us of both the necessity and the central requirement of bearing fruit: Every branch of mine that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more […]
Setting the Captives Free
I’ve been participating in the “twittering” going on about the protests in Iran. I’ve watched the video of the innocent and defenseless girl in the street, intentionally shot by religious thugs and dying as her friends hopelessly tried to save her. A beautiful young […]
Chosen and Foreknown
“You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain. – Jn 15:16 I’ve always had problems with the concept of being chosen by God. When I came to […]