Human health ultimately comes down to the soil. I’ve read that there is more life under the soil than above it in terms of mass. But today’s soil is nothing more than a dead “growing medium”. It physically anchors the plant and serves as […]
Category: Bible
Our nation needs a fundamental change of priorities
He deported those who escaped from the sword to Babylon, and they became servants to him and his sons until the rise of the Persian kingdom. This fulfilled the word of the LORD through Jeremiah, and the land enjoyed its Sabbath rest all the […]
An election-day appeal to those, especially Christians, thinking of not voting.
Charles Spurgeon once said “Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil. So choose not to vote.” A lot of people have been disappointed, or even disgusted by the presidential race, and have tuned out entirely and plan not to vote. But […]
Affliction and comfort in Christ
Text: 2 Corinthians 1:1-13 Paul’s theme here is that God comforts those in affliction. He does so, and then those who have been comforted are able to comfort others. Thus the ministry of Christ is multiplied throughout His body. Christ’s comfort is made manifest […]
The ultimate source for modules for theWord Bible program (everything free)
I have quite a bit of traffic here from people looking for modules for theWord. TheWord is an excellent free Bible program that I strongly recommend. It has a learning curve, but stick with it and you will be rewarded, and the program can […]
Politics and godliness
Since the mid-1980s I’ve counted myself as a conservative. I spent time on the abortion barricades and in the public square, advocating for morality and for America’s return to her Constitutional roots, as the only basis on which we can survive in any recognizable […]
Out of the comfort zone, and on to victory
Out of weakness were made strong – Heb 11.34 Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle –Ps144.1 The story of Gideon gives us a vivid biblical illustration of how the Lord can raise up […]
Jesus Insists On Full Salvation
There’s a well known story in the Bible, about a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years. She came to Jesus from behind, secretly touched the hem of His garment, and was healed. It seems like a simple story, but there’s […]
On the Cross, and in complete control
When he had received the sour wine, Jesus said, “It is completed!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. -John 19:30 When Jesus cried out, “It is finished”, He wasn’t saying that His personal ordeal was over. He was proclaiming that […]
Evolution thrown for a loop
If you didn't believe - or didn't know - what the Bible says here, what hope did you have? None. But if you took God at his word, and believed Him rather than the medical scientists, and took your stand for your healing, you may have been laughed at by sophisticates, but you would have had hope. You would have filled your mind with positive, hopeful, expectant thoughts. You would have prayed affirmations aloud, according to Mark 11, where Jesus tells us to pray believing that we are, right now, as we are praying, receiving. You would be filling your soul with the reality of your healing even before that healing was manifest to the natural eye.
Divine opponent, Divine friend
Joseph Prince brought out some great insights in his devotional today. It was about the Syro-Phoenician woman who sought Jesus’ help for her demonized daughter. This passage can be hard to understand, and many skeptics have used it to paint Jesus as uncaring and […]
‘The Word’ Bible program: screenshots (up. 1/30)
I’m uploading a couple of screenshots of The Word and will post them to twitter, so people can get a feel for how powerful this free Bible software is. This is a very exceptional gift that Costas has given the Body. And if you […]
What does it mean to live for Jesus?
Jesus warned us that the world would hate true followers, just as it hated Him. If we are willing to walk close to Jesus, sensitive to the leading of His Spirit, we are going to be placed in situations where we confront world systems. These are the "elemental things of this world" that keep people in darkness and bondage, and we will find that there are vested interests in these systems that do not want to see them exposed and dismantled.
The high call
Sometimes the real issue is not the pressing issue. Sometimes a more basic principle is at play that we dare not violate. Especially when we think we can handle a tricky situation ourselves, we can choose an expedient solution, only to find that we've made the situation far worse. The devil's most effective time of getting us to stumble can be when we least expect it.