Straighten up, and be healed

When we have a problem, obstacle or hindrance in the spirit, the answer is not to coddle ourselves or adjust downward into permanent workaround mode. The answer is to face the problem square-on. Yes, it may be painful for a season. But that pales in comparison to the pain of a life lived at a subsistence level of accommodation and mediocrity.

Challenges and victories: Growing in grace and knowledge

It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd try to catch up. This has been the most amazing growth season for me since I was first Saved back in 1980. In a nutshell, what’s going on is brokenness turning over the fallow ground, necessity sowing seeds of change, and my tears supplying the rain. With the passage of time, “someone warming them from below”, and my reintroduction to the Gospel of Grace, which I once knew but had somehow lost sight of, those seeds have been bearing a rich crop.

One great leap for socialism

A sad day for the nation, as it takes a major step towards socialism. The healthcare bill will do nothing good for medical costs, quality of coverage, the national debt or the economy. It will instead ration care, bankrupt the nation, and prove to […]

Evolution thrown for a loop

If you didn't believe - or didn't know - what the Bible says here, what hope did you have? None. But if you took God at his word, and believed Him rather than the medical scientists, and took your stand for your healing, you may have been laughed at by sophisticates, but you would have had hope. You would have filled your mind with positive, hopeful, expectant thoughts. You would have prayed affirmations aloud, according to Mark 11, where Jesus tells us to pray believing that we are, right now, as we are praying, receiving. You would be filling your soul with the reality of your healing even before that healing was manifest to the natural eye.

U.S. on the verge

No matter what happens, we who love the Lord are in His very capable hands. He can and will use anything, even the nation stepping off a cliff, to bring about His will. But He always prefers mercy to judgment, and in situations like ours He looks for intercessors to provide justification for pouring out His miraculous saving power. We need to be praying, in faith.

Meekness is not weakness

Jesus' life was one of continually confronting the status quo that suppressed knowledge of God. He never ran from it, and He never compromised truth in order to keep the peace or be popular. And when the occasion was right, He didn’t shrink back from engaging in a verbal brawl (the “seven woes” on the Pharisees in Mt 23) or even using actual physical force (the cleansing of the temple).