Looking forward, do not abandon hope

I will reiterate what I have said before. My trust is ultimately in the Lord, not in any man. Not in Q, not in President Trump.

President Trump is not perfect. But he did an astonishing amount of good in his four years, especially considering the unprecedented and unprincipled opposition he had. He should be forever honored for what he did and tried to do.

As I have said, I am in broad agreement with the goal of the Q movement to clean up government and society, but I don’t buy into its more radical aspects. One should abandon common sense only with utmost caution. In particular, Sessions and Barr were utter failures. Barr always was a swamp creature, all the way back to Ruby Ridge, though he talked a very good game.

I believe that the Lord is not done with this story, despite its horrendous appearances. At John 11 the two sisters brokenheartedly cry that their brother, Lazarus, would not have died had Jesus been there. But Jesus had intentionally delayed His arrival, because He had a greater miracle in mind than just another healing. Yes, the sisters and Lazarus had to go through a lot for it to happen this way, but when Lazarus was raised from the dead all the pain was forgotten.

God has greater plans for us – “more than we can ask or think” – but He very often does things His own way, and it is required of us that we have faith if we want to cooperate. We often do not understand what He’s doing, which is why we must “walk by faith, not by sight”.

Keep believing, and keep praying. Pray for President Trump and his family, that they would be comforted and protected, and that through this experience they will meet the Lord in a new and deeper way. Pray that the evil will be exposed, and that through this the nation will unite in repulsion and with a single purpose to remove the evildoers, even if they have already been installed in office.

God promises to work all things for good for those who love Him. May the peace of God, which passes understanding, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit be will all who love God and love this nation He has given us.

For the record, I will be referring to Biden as Biden, and to President Trump as President Trump. As it should be, because that is the truth. Thieves should not be honored. Amen.
