China Is Disintegrating: Steel Demand, Property Sales, Traffic All Approaching Zero
According to the ZeroHedge article linked above, the Chinese economic panda has literally gone into hibernation. All the metrics are horrendous, as if commerce has almost stopped altogether. This is a nation in deep crisis.
Trump was right, going all the way back to 2013 and beyond, when he said that the US is holding all the cards, we only needed someone at the helm who understood business and was willing to lead. We have that person now. In less than a year Trump brought the already flailing Chinese economy to its knees, and the Communists humbly back to the bargaining table.
And that was before the 19nCoV Coronavirus. Now, with almost half the population under quarantine, what is the outlook?
Already there were signs of civil unrest, notably at Hong Kong, as the government had turned up its persecution of minorities, including Christians, drastically in recent years. And on top of all their other sins, the reports of systematic live organ harvesting among some minorities are credible and persistent.
My prayer is that the Lord would use this pervasive crisis to bring to the Chinese people the righteous government they need. And as China goes, so goes North Korea. May President Trump stay strong and have wisdom.