Wonderful story of the late Orson Bean’s conversion

Bean was the proverbial “up and outer”, who was living the dream and suddenly found it all meaningless. It’s amazing how simple prayer can be so life-changing. Bean went on to become Andrew Breitbart’s father in law. He led him to conservatism, and I believe to the Lord as well. 


Fame did make him happy, for a while. “It got me laid and made me money and it was fun. I wanted more, so I graduated to drugs and booze. They worked, too, for a while (quite a long while, actually),” he said.

Then one day — Bean told Breitbart Radio — “it just stopped working and became nothing.”

He enrolled in a 12-step program and eventually asked a tough-looking member named Bobby: “What should I do?”

“Get down on your knees,” he told me, “and thank God every morning. Then, do it again at night.”

“But I don’t think I believe in God,” Bean retorted.

“It doesn’t matter,” Bobby said. “Just do it.”

“Why do I have to get down on my knees?”

“He likes it,” said Bobby. “And that’s all he said to me. He stood there looking at me for a minute and then I said OK and thanked him and he took off.”

Though he felt a little silly, that very night, Bean got down on his knees and said, “if there’s anybody up there, thank you for the day.” He said he slept like a log and in the morning got down on his knees again and said, “If there’s anybody there, thank you for my night’s sleep.”

“Little by little it stopped feeling foolish. I began to feel if my prayer was being heard… that whatever or whoever loved me,” Bean said.
