Below is a detailed article on what FB is doing to our privacy. Through FB Connect and now its new Web-wide “Like” system, FB is trying to position itself as the very hub of the Web, but it’s doing so at the user’s expense. It’s all about targeted ad$, which is fair enough, but the user is not allowed anonymity, and by increasingly being effectively forced to share personal data, he is being exposed to many dangers both online and off. This is a case of putting raw profit over people’s well-being.
I’m tired of fighting FB every time it changes its ever-worsening privacy policy, and I’m tired of the intentional complexity and the obfuscation with which it shrouds the meanings of the settings. FB is privately held and virtually unaccountable, so I expect it only to get worse. And so, since FB does not allow user aliases (and even that policy is shrouded in contradictory language), I am deactivating my account. FB is not the only place one can interact, thankfully. I appreciate my friends there for sharing the good times and bad.
It’s unfortunate that so many do not understand what is being done to their privacy and safety as the Web becomes increasingly commercialized. It’s because so few understand and are willing to speak up that greedy businesses can get away with abuse of this nature.
How Facebook is putting its users last | Molly Rants – CNET News : Opt-out features, privacy loopholes, and increasingly confusing settings are starting to feel like a money-making plot that puts users of the social network last. Read this blog post by Molly Wood on Molly Rants.
Posted via web from paul1149’s mini-blog †
Edit: Check out this IM of FB CEO Marc Zuckerburg concerning his attitude toward privacy and trust. Business Insider.
If you want to delete, not merely deactivate, you account, see here: